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Test Monthly Shipment
Test Monthly Shipment
Test Monthly Shipment

Test Monthly Shipment

Drink & Shrink

$49.99 Sale price save $10 every month

Original Flavor: Strawberry Lemonade

Ships Monthly - Cancel Anytime

Original Flavor: Strawberry Lemonade

  • Contains 21 stick packs (allowing one week break)
  • Affordable and effective
  • 3 Easy Steps to Weight Management
  • Delicious way to get your energy and weight losssupplements in one drink
  • Improves digestion with probiotics
  • Suggested Use: Drink 1 stick pack mixed in with chilled water, every day around lunch. For best results, maintain a healthy diet and incorporate moderate exercise during your daily routine.

    Quick & Convenient

    1. Pour

    2. Mix

    3. Enjoy on the go

    11 proven,
    natural ingredients

    • Forskolin
    • Vitamin B6
    • Vitamin B12
    • Vitamin D
    • Garcinia Cambogia
    • Banaba Leaf
    • Potassium Bicarbonate
    • Cordyceps
    • Chromium Picolinate
    • Green Tea Extract

    I've tried a lot of products, but Drink & Shrink is perfect for my demanding lifestyle. I look great, and I feel great!


    Drink & Shrink does what it says. It's like those extra pounds just seem to melt away


    After I had my first child, I thought I would never get back to my normal weight. I tried everything. Diets, gyms, low carb, low fat, nothing worked. And then I tried Drink & Shrink, now I'm back to my normal weight.

